Which the protagonist is the character. This type of promotion C Level Executive List is particularly dangerous in relation to the implementation of the principle of transparency. This is why the Digital Chart intervened to fill the legislative C Level Executive List gap. To ensure that the consumer realizes that he is facing a commercial communication, the #ads must be present in the copy of the post and the name of the promoted brand must be placed at the beginning of the caption. The competent authorities for verifying the correct application of the C Level Executive List principles relating to advertising law are the AGCOM.
The ordinary judge , and the IAP only for companies C Level Executive List that have decided to adhere to the self-discipline code. Copyright and copyright We assume that every post, graphic, blog article is covered by copyright. Therefore it is forbidden to use, copy or modify them without the authorization of the right holder. The fact that a content is public does not mean that it is freely available to everyone. In November 2021 the d. lgs. which implements C Level Executive List the European copyright directive 2019/790, dedicated to " copyright and related rights in the digital single market.
The directive aims to regulate the C Level Executive List circulation of creative works, and is aimed above all at service providers, platforms that host digital content such as Youtube and other social networks, and news aggregators such as Google. All these platforms take on an active role in the protection of intellectual property, which is implemented not C Level Executive List through a mere supervisory role, but also through the verification of each content before its publication. How does this legislation affect digital marketing ? It has an impact on content marketing: since direct online platforms are responsible for copyright protection.